Mike Horn Young Explorer's Program
Volunteer & Ambassador
PANGAEA – A Pan Global Adventure for Environmental Action – is a youth environmental action group of future leaders taking action for climate change and poverty. I was part of an incredible youth expedition sailing for 3 weeks on the Amazon River with explorer Mike Horn.
Amazon Expedition – 3 weeks sailing on the Amazon River with explorer Mike Horn
• Distributed water filters and learning materials to local schools
• Distributed First Aid kits to medical clinics
• Initiated reforestation programs in farming areas
• Set up wildlife protection programs
• Distributed Wenger Swiss Army Knives to aid local industry
• Exploration and discovery of the local environment, wildlife and people
• Resilience, adventure and willingness to step outside my comfort zone to experience the world and take action for the environment.
• A decision to pursue engineering after exposure to Sponsor Mercedes-Benz’s fuel cell and electric vehicles and first-hand exposure to our urgent need to protect the environment.
• What we dream we can do – our only limitation is our own mind.